
- higher earning potential
- advanced nursing roles
- job security
Best Online BSN Degrees
We reviewed over 70 accredited colleges and universities listed by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES College Navigator) that offer online bachelor’s in nursing (BSN) degree programs. From our list of schools, we reviewed regional, national, and program rankings received from major publications like U.S. News and World Report. We selected schools that had received one or more rankings. We then listed our schools in order of affordability and selected the top 30 most affordable. Most of the programs selected for this list are designed for registered nurses with an active RN license. Below are the resulting selections for our top 30 best online bachelor’s in nursing degrees.#30 – Loyola University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
New Orleans, Louisiana
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $38,754 The online bachelor’s in nursing program at Loyola University offers a robust curriculum. It’s grounded in Jesuit values that emphasize patient care. The RN to BSN program is 100% online and designed for registered nurses with an associate’s degree in nursing. The CCNE-accredited curriculum covers courses in:- advanced topics in nursing
- introduction to health care delivery systems and policy
- issues in professional nursing
- nursing leadership and promotion of quality care
- nursing research and evidence-based practice
- spirituality in health and illness
#29 – Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing (BSN)
Winona, Minnesota
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $32,575 The accredited online BSN degree program at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota offers CCNE-accredited curriculum. All courses are delivered online and taught by the same professors who lead nursing classes on campus. Courses include:- communication skills for nurses
- cross-cultural competence for service providers
- healthcare delivery systems
- introduction to healthcare finance
- nursing leadership and management
- nursing research
#28 – Southern New Hampshire University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing (RN to BSN)
Manchester, New Hampshire
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $31,136 Southern New Hampshire University’s online BSN programs include the RN to BSN, a CCNE-accredited degree. The degree contains a 10-course curriculum that follows the guidelines recommended by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). Courses are delivered online and include:- ethical and legal considerations of healthcare
- healthcare management and finance
- information management and patient care technologies
- pathophysiology for nurses
- patient assessment and health literacy
- systems leadership for continuous quality
#27 – McKendree University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Lebanon, Illinois
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $28,740 McKendreee University offers an accredited online BSN degree that prepares registered nurses for advanced level practice. The program is ideal for those interested in continuing their nursing education toward an MSN, NP, or DNP degree. Classes are delivered online and taught by the same instructors who teach on campus. Courses follow an eight-week format with topics in:- biomedical ethics
- ethical and legal issues in nursing
- pathophysiology
- statistics
#26 – King University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Bristol, Tennessee
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $27,276 King University offers an online bachelor’s in nursing degree that is 100% online. It’s for registered nurses who want the flexibility that a distance-learning BSN program offers. The CCNE-accredited program’s major coursework may be completed in just 16 months. This makes it ideal for individuals who have already earned an associate’s in nursing degree. Courses are delivered online and taught by the same professors and instructors who lead on-campus classes. A total of 124 semester hours are required to graduate, with 48 hours in the major. King University is ranked by major publications like U.S. News and World Report as the 91st best regional institution in the South.#25 – Utica College
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Utica, New York
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $19,996 Both the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP) recognize the online BSN programs at Utica College. The program is for registered nurses who want to earn a bachelor’s in nursing degree but do not have time to attend traditional on-campus classes. Online courses are taught by the same instructors who teach in the traditional classroom. These classes include:- community health nursing
- health assessment
- health policy management
- leadership in nursing
- nursing code of ethics
- nursing management
#24 – Chamberlain College of Nursing
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Addison, Illinois
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $19,230 The online BSN degree program at Chamberlain College of Nursing is an affordable program for registered nurses who want to work toward a bachelor’s in nursing degree. While no courses are required prior to enrollment, applicants must hold an active RN license from their state. Full-time and part-time enrollment options are available. Classes are offered every eight weeks. These courses include:- collaborative healthcare
- evidence-based practice
- health assessment
- information systems in healthcare
- RN community health nursing
- statistics for decision making
#23 – Capella University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $$3,370 per 12-week billing session (FlexPath); $365-$388 per credit (GuidedPath) Capella University offers one of the most affordable online RN to BSN programs on our list. This CCNE-accredited program offers online curriculum with 24-hour access to courses and an accelerated format. Courses are designed to last 10 weeks. They’re taught by expert faculty with applicable experience in the nursing field. Required courses include:- Making Evidence-Based Decision
- Developing a Health Care Perspective
- Coordinating Patient-Centered Care
- Managing Health Information and Technology
- nursing forensics
- nursing informatics
- nursing management
- family and community health concepts
- health assessment
- introduction to nursing informatics
- introduction to nursing research
- nursing management of human resources
- transition and the professional nursing role
- evidence-based nursing
- integrated experiential learning
- nursing leadership
- population-based nursing
- professional communication in healthcare
- transition to professional nursing
- evidence-based practice and nursing research
- health assessment for the RN
- healthcare informatics
- population health and global health perspectives for the RN
- professional practice and role development
- community health nursing
- foundations for evidence-based professional nursing
- nursing leadership and health policy
- pathophysiology and pharmacotherapeutics for RNs
- population health
- basic principles in palliative care
- family nursing roles
- health assessment for registered nurses
- introduction to nursing as a discipline and profession
- nursing leadership applications
- alternative and complementary interventions
- evidence-based practice and applied nursing research
- innovation in nursing
- leadership and nursing systems management
- nursing theory and competency
- population-based nursing
- chronic care management
- community health nursing
- foundations of professional nursing practice
- leadership and management in nursing
- research and evidence-based practice
- health promotion across the life span
- nursing research and application to practice
- professional nursing theory
- public and global health in nursing
- writing for health care management
- community health nursing
- family health nursing
- health assessment
- introduction to nursing informatics
- leadership and change in nursing
- nursing research and evidence-based practice
- philosophy of professional nursing
- emerging issues in health care
- evidence-based practice
- family and community health nursing
- nursing application of pathophysiology and pharmacology
- nursing health assessment
- nursing leadership and management
- concepts in community health nursing
- cultural competence in healthcare
- evidence-based practice – transforming healthcare
- health care informatics
- interprofessional concepts
- concepts and issues for professional nursing practice
- introduction to evidence-based practice for registered nurses
- population-based nursing for professional nursing practice
- clinical nursing concepts
- health assessment
- nursing leadership
- nursing science
- theoretical foundations of professional nursing
- applied nursing concepts
- community health
- health assessment
- management and leadership
- nursing foundation and issues
- research in nursing
- health assessment
- introduction to professional nursing concepts
- nursing informatics
- therapeutic and inter-professional communication
- community and public health nursing
- improving health systems
- introduction to human genetics
- professionalism and patient safety
- research in nursing
- assessment across the lifespan
- foundations of nursing practice
- health promotion
- professional nursing
- community and public nursing
- conceptual and theoretical thinking in nursing
- health promotion and education
- nursing care of the aged and chronically ill
- nursing of families and groups
- quality and safety in professional nursing practice
- gerontological nursing and the end of life care
- health policy
- introduction to health assessment
- population and community health nursing
- professional nursing practice for the baccalaureate nurse
- research in nursing
- community health nursing
- complex nursing concepts
- the conceptual basis of nursing
- health assessment across the lifespan
- critical inquiry for nursing research
- introduction to professional practice
- nursing leadership and management
- care of the older adult
- community health and population-focused nursing
- evidence-based practice and applied nursing research
- information management and the application of technology
- leadership and the professional image
- organizational systems and quality leadership
- the professional roles and values
- advanced nursing concepts
- community nursing
- health and wellness in aging adults
- nursing leadership
- nursing research
- pathophysiology
- 5 High-Paying Careers in the Nursing Field
- 20 Most Affordable Master’s In Nursing Education Online Degree Programs
- 30 Most Affordable Online Bachelor’s in Nursing Degrees from Private Colleges
- Ultimate Guide to Nursing & Healthcare Degrees and Careers
- What Job Opportunities Are Open to RNs who Earn an Online Master’s Degree in Nursing Education?
#22 – Pennsylvania State University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
University Park, Pennsylvania
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $13,678 Pennsylvania State University’s BSN online program provides a flexibly designed curriculum. It allows students to take classes from the comfort of their own home. Specialized certificates are available as students move along from an RN to BSN. These certificates include:#21 – Linfield College
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
McMinnville, Oregon
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $12,960 Linfield College offers some of the most affordable online BSN programs on our list. The online RN to BSN is designed for registered nurses who want to earn a bachelor’s in nursing degree. Flexible online courses are taught by certified online instructors with experience in the nursing field. The program is CCNE-accredited and can be completed entirely online. Required courses include:#20 – The University of Tennessee
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Knoxville, Tennessee
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $12,724 The University of Tennessee offers an accredited online bachelor’s in nursing program. It’s designed for registered nurses with an associate’s degree or diploma in nursing. This RN to BSN program has flexible start dates. It has full- and part-time enrollment options, and requires no on-campus visits. In fact, students complete the required clinicals in their own geographic location. Some of the online courses include:#19 – University of Louisville
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Louisville, Kentucky
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $11,264 The bachelor’s in nursing online program from University of Louisville offers 100% online instruction and flexible coursework. It’s designed to accommodate any schedule. Small class sizes allow students to form relationships with their peers and instructors. The courses are delivered online and taught by the same professors who instruct on campus. These courses include:#18 – Northern Arizona University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Flagstaff, Arizona
Undergraduate Tuition: $10,764 One of the most affordable online RN to BSN programs on our list is at Northern Arizona University. This program is for working registered nurses who hold an associate’s degree in nursing and have an active RN license. Courses are delivered online and include:#17 – Colorado Technical University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $10,540 Colorado Technical University’s online BSN degree is CCNE accredited. It’s recognized by major publications like U.S. News and World Report as the 81st (out of more than 1,200 surveyed programs) online bachelor’s program in the country. This online RN to BSN program can be completed entirely online with classes taught by university professors. Some of the required courses include:#16 – University of Wisconsin
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Madison, Wisconsin
School Profile Undergraduate Tuition: $10,488 University of Wisconsin’s online bachelor’s in nursing is a flexible program option designed for working registered nurses with busy schedules. The program is open to nurses licensed as RNs in Wisconsin or Illinois and who have work experience as a registered nurse. The program is CCNE-accredited and, according to U.S. News and World Report, has ranked among the top nursing programs in recent years. Classes are delivered online and include:#15 – Arizona State University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing (RN to BSN)
Tempe, Arizona
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $10,370 One of the most affordable online BSN programs on our list is at Arizona State University. It can be completed in as few as 15 to 18 months. This completely online RN to BSN degree is designed for experienced registered nurses who want to move into advanced practice arenas. Courses are taught online by the same university professors who teach on campus. These courses include:#14 – California University of Pennsylvania
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
California, Pennsylvania
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $10,339 California University of Pennsylvania’s BSN program online is designed for working and experienced registered nurses with an associate’s in nursing. The program is fully accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. It offers coursework that may be completed entirely online. Thirty-three nursing program credits are required. Students work at an accelerated pace to complete the required program credits in three semesters. Some of the courses offered include:#13 – University of South Carolina
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Aiken, South Carolina
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $10,196 The BSN program online at University of South Carolina is a 31-credit hour program. It’s for registered nurses who want to earn a bachelor’s in nursing that will help advance their careers. This online RN to BSN program offers 100% online coursework that may be completed in just 12 months. Core nursing courses include:#12 – Ohio State University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Columbus, Ohio
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $10,037 The accredited online BSN degree program at Ohio State University offers accessible instructors and a low student/faculty ratio. Full and part-time enrollment options are available to accommodate working students. All coursework is delivered online, and classes are taught by the same university professors who teach on campus. These courses include:#11 – Kent State University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Kent, Ohio
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $10,012 Kent State University’s online bachelor’s in nursing program is specifically designed for registered nurses with a diploma or associate’s degree in nursing. The CCNE-accredited program is 100% online and can be completed in as few as 12 months. Students may be eligible to transfer up to 33 nursing credits from the associate degree or diploma program. This can shorten the completion time. Rolling admissions allow students to begin the program at various times throughout the year. Most courses run seven weeks in length and are taught by doctoral faculty. These courses include:#10 – Old Dominion University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Norfolk, Virginia
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $9,750 A bachelor’s in nursing online program from Old Dominion University is ideal for registered nurses planning to advance their nursing career. The flexible online program allows registered nurses to earn a bachelor’s in nursing from an accredited and nationally ranked institution. A total of 120 credit hours are required for the degree. At least 30 credit hours must be completed at Old Dominion. Required courses include:#9 – Ball State University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Muncie, Indiana
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $9,654 Ball State University offers one of the most affordable online RN to BSN programs on our list. The program provides part-time and full-time enrollment options and online classes that can be taken in an asynchronous format. This means there are no specific log-in times required. All classes are taught by university professors who instruct on campus. These courses include:#8 – University of Arkansas
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $8,820 University of Arkansas offers an accredited bachelor’s in nursing online program that has a long-standing CCNE-accreditation. It’s ranked among the top programs by U.S. News and World Report. In fact, U.S. News recognizes the school’s online bachelor’s programs as #36 out of more than 1,200 surveyed programs. Also, the school’s online graduate nursing programs are ranked #104 out of 1,200. In the undergraduate nursing program, students take courses like:#7 – The University of Iowa
Online RN to BSN
Iowa City, Iowa
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $8,575 One of the best online BSN programs on our list is also one of the more affordable. The University of Iowa offers an RN to BSN program that may be completed entirely online. Classes are delivered online. The only face-to-face requirements include one project and one clinical/practicum course. Clinical requirements can be completed in the student’s geographic location. Some of the online courses include:#6 – University of North Dakota
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $8,136 Earning a BSN program online can provide flexibility to busy schedules. The University of North Dakota offers a completely online RN to BSN degree program. It’s designed for registered nurses who require flexible courses due to working schedules. Full and part-time options are available. Local clinicals allow students to complete requirements in their own geographic location. While transfer credit is accepted, students must earn a minimum of 30 credits at University of North Dakota. Required courses include:#5 – Purdue University
Online RN to BSN
Westville, Indiana
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $7,478 Purdue University’s bachelor’s in nursing online program is an RN to BSN degree that can be completed in just 16 months. This completely online program delivers technology-enhanced courses designed to lay the foundation for an advanced nursing career. Courses include:#4 – University of North Carolina
Online RN to BSN
Wilmington, North Carolina
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $6,951 University of North Carolina at Wilmington offers some of the most affordable online RN to BSN programs on our list. Depending on the number of accepted transfer credits, the program may be completed in as few as 12 months. All courses are delivered online and include:#3 – Georgia Southern University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Statesboro, Georgia
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $6,273 Georgia Southern University offers some of the most affordable online RN to BSN programs on our list. The online BSN is for registered nurses with an active license who want to earn a bachelor’s in nursing degree. The program offers flexible courses that can be completed entirely online and part-time or full-time enrollment options. These online courses include:#2 – Western Governors University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Salt Lake City, Utah
Website Undergraduate Tuition: $6,070 One of the top BSN online degree programs on our list is the bachelor’s in nursing online from Western Governors University. This RN to BSN program is designed to increase job security for active registered nurses. Courses can be completed entirely online and cover key subject areas like:#1 – Brigham Young University
Online Bachelor’s in Nursing
Rexburg, Idaho
Undergraduate Tuition: $3,920 The most affordable online bachelor’s in nursing degree program on our list is at Brigham Young University’s Idaho campus. Currently registered nurses seeking to expand employment opportunities can earn an online RN to BSN degree by taking courses via distance learning. These courses include:Related Resources: