Central Washington University

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CWU Degrees and Programs

Central Washington University appears in our ranking of the 20 Best Bachelor’s in Creative Writing or Professional Writing Degrees Online. Central Washington University started life as a normal school. Its education programs are still fairly popular. The university offers an elementary education major. Students must declare a second major or complete a minor. This program also enables students complete a professional core. This core helps them meet the requirements for getting a Washington teaching license. Some of the courses include:
  • Integrated Arts in the Elementary School
  • Intuitive Geometry for Elementary School Teachers
  • Teaching the Language Arts.
The university’s English Language and Literature major is another popular undergrad program.  It asks that students take classes on both comparative criticism and literature and culture. In their literature and culture classes, study study the work created by writers from different ethnic groups and cultures. Students must also take five required courses, including:
  • Shakespeare
  • Principles of English Studies
  • Poetry and Poetics
Many of the university’s graduate programs follow a cohort format. Students can only start during the fall semester. They will remain in the same small groups as they work their way through a specific program. One of the university’s top cohort programs is its Master of Science in Law and Justice. It’s for those who want to enhance their skills beyond the undergrad level. It includes some of the same classes that law schools offer. Students will take courses such as:
  • Law and Social Control
  • Criminal Justice History
  • Individual Study
  • Theory and Evidence on Crime Prevention
  • Juvenile Justice

About Central Washington University

Central Washington University is a large public university in Washington. It continues growing at a fast rate. It has a reputation as being one of the best colleges in the northwestern U,S. for Hispanic students. It was established in 1891 as the Washington State Normal School.  It provided programs for students who wanted to develop strong teaching skills. This school later became the Central Washington College of Education and Central Washington State College. Later it became Central Washington University (CWU). The university has one large campus in Ellensburg, Washington and a handful of regional campuses. It also has deals with seven community colleges in Washington. These programs allow students to attend those schools and earn credits that count towards a CWU program. Students attending those campuses can also transfer to a full university degree program. CWU enrollment of nearly 12,000 students. It’s  one of the largest colleges in the northwestern region of the state.

Central Washington University Accreditation Details

Central Washington has regional accreditation from the NCCU,  is a professional organization that accredits colleges and degree programs in the northwestern region of the United States. This accreditation allows students to transfer credits to CWU. They can also to transfer CWU to other schools. It also allows students to submit the FAFSA when they apply for financial aid. The university also has accreditation from organizations, some of which include:
  • the APA
  • National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)
  • National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)

Central Washington University Application Requirements

Any student who has few than 40 college credits will qualify as an incoming freshman. Those students can apply for a fee waiver and submit their applications without paying the $50 fee. All others will pay that fee when they send their applications to the university. Undergrads will use the university’s online application and then submit their official test scores and transcripts. Incoming freshmen should follow a high school curriculum that includes:
  • four units of English and math classes
  • two years of social and life science
  • foreign language classes
They should also take at least one fine arts class. Students who have a grade point average of 3.4 or higher qualify for automatic acceptance. They can apply without supplying their test scores. Those with a GPA of between 2.0 and 2.99 must write a short essay and supply some additional information. Students who have more than 40 credits are transfer students who must meet the same requirements. They must submit transcripts from the schools where they earned their credits. The admission and application requirements for graduate students will vary across programs. All programs ask that students submit the online application and send in their official transcripts. They may need to submit a resume that shows their past experiences and a goals statement. This statement lets the university know what the student wants to do while in school and after they graduate. Some programs may ask for a GRE score or a score from a similar exam. If a student does not meet all admissions for the university’s graduate school, he or she may need to pass an interview, as well.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Undergrads who take nine credits or fewer are part-time students. They pay close to $530 per credit hour. Full-time students pay a flat rate of around $2,690 per semester and can take up to 18 credits for that price. Any undergrad who takes more than 18 credits will pay an extra fee. Undergrads who are not Washington residents pay $1,527 per credit hour as a part-time student or $7,684 per semester as a full-time student. CWU charges the same resident and nonresident rates for graduate students. The cost for students taking online classes or studying at a regional university campus is a little lower. The FAFSA is a free form that students can file online. It helps them see if they qualify for any financial aid. They should use the CWU school code on the form, which allows the university to receive a copy. Many of the students attending this university receive some type of assistance. The average financial aid package provided by the university includes at least one student loan and some type of grant. Students can also borrow money from alternative lenders and special government programs. Central Washington University recommends that students look at its degrees and programs and decide what they want to study before they submit the FAFSA.

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