Cultural resources management refers to the preservation of cultural resources. These include:
- archeological sites
- historic buildings
- museum objects
- paintings
- any other items of cultural value
- folklore
- language
- oral histories
- other intangible but culturally important items
Archeological Sites
Many archeological sites in the United States that would be of concern to people working in CRM deal with Native American sites. However, CRM also concerns itself with other sites such as those of early settlers. While an archeologist might be primarily concerned with excavating and identifying artifacts from such a site and constructing theories about their use, CRM looks at managing the site in terms of historic preservation and environmental laws. One job a person in this area might have is surveying a site to determine the impact of federal or private development.Historic Buildings
Working in this sector of cultural resources management involves preserving historic homes and other structures. As the Washington Post details, this is a relatively young concept in the United States. Individuals and organizations who are dedicated to the preservation of historic buildings often run up against developers and others who want to raze these types of sites to construct contemporary structures. Various types of historic designations protect historic buildings from being altered or destroyed. For example, the National Register of Historic Places, formed in 1966, has various guidelines for adding sites to its register. It may extend its protections to objects such as bridges or an aircraft. Preparing for a career in this type of preservation might involve getting an architecture or history degree. It also might require graduate-level study.Intangible Resources
Intangible resources might include:- dance
- theater
- song
- other performing arts
- beliefs and traditions
- archeology
- anthropology
- history
- business
- law
- museums
- nonprofits
- state, local or federal organizations dedicated to historic preservation
- private firms