Saying that having a marketing degree will improve your chances of getting a job in the marketing industry is a fact. This fact can be true in almost any industry. However, just how much a recent graduate will benefit from completing 2, 4, or even 6 years of school depends entirely on the economic climate and outlook in the industry.
Some industries phase out over time. But marketing is one of those fields that will always be a focus in this competitive world where there are tons of graduates competing for the top marketing positions. Here’s what any prospective marketer should know about the benefits of completing a marketing program to earn a degree:
Supply and Demand
One thing that students learn in marketing is how economics and the useful term ‘supply and demand’ work. Supply and demand apply when referencing great marketing strategies to earn market share or to build a book of business. It also applies when you’re referring to getting a job in the field. One factor that can truly impact a non-degree holding applicant as they are interviewing for local positions is supply and demand. The demand is typically for a college graduate who has majored in marketing or a related business discipline. Earning a degree shows the recruiters that a student can stick to something, follow it through, and grasp concepts. Since the supply of graduates is so high in the job market, the demand for job seekers without a degree is low, making competition very difficult. See our ranking of the A Versatile Degree Anyone who applies for a job who has a degree in the field with little experience will be considered above someone with no degree and little experience. A marketing degree expands your knowledge and gives you a leg up on the competition. A marketing degree is also one of the more versatile options that can be used for job seekers in various industries. These major programs focus on:- business management
- product management
- sales
- branding
- research
- and more