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- race
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- history
- class
- political economy
1. America: Who Really Pays the Taxes?
Donald Barlett and James Steele
This book was published in 1994. It deconstructs the tax code and its associated systems that clearly show what many working and middle-class Americans have suspected all along. They are picking up more of the nation’s tax bill while the rich are using taxes to find loopholes. These loopholes not only preclude them from paying their fair share, but help them profit from the complex system to line their bulging pockets with more. The Pulitzer Prize-winning duo of Barlett and Steele use concrete facts to show how the wealthiest individuals and corporations benefit from the intentionally esoteric tax code to wiggle their way through loopholes. The loopholes exist to benefit corporations and the rich – not the average citizen. In a non-partisan manner, the duo takes down politicians from all political backgrounds including Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents.2. The Bell Curve Wars: Race, Intelligence, and the Future of America
Steven Fraser (Editor)
This 224-page compendium of essays forms a larger text meant to debunk Herrnstein and Murray’s controversial bestseller The Bell Curve, which purported that IQ differences were a result of biology. The book was celebrated and propped up by essentialist thinkers and right-wing reactionaries across the globe. It has served as “proof” that race-based science is not only a legitimate endeavor but a superior one. The essays take aim at debunking the assertions of The Bell Curve through empirical evidence that shows how the supposed scientific claims are a result of racist public policy choices. These choices are driven by capitalism and colonialism. They perpetuate inequality and hidden class structures that destroy the life chances of minorities.3. Between the World and Me
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Between the World and Me is written as a letter to to the author’s young son. Coates describes his awakening to the truth of what it is like to live as a black man in a society built on the false notion of race. It has been weaponized and used to create a hierarchy with white people on top and black people languishing on the bottom. Coates painfully describes what simply inhabiting a black body means in society. He uses historical references to describe the genesis of white supremacist structures and how they impact the individual. He shares intensely personal experiences from his childhood and adult life. The experiences shaped his worldview and revealed to him the truth about the so-called meritocratic society he was trying to navigate. He also shows how it was set up to make him fail.4. The Democrats: A Critical History
Lance Selfa
Selfa shows the reader how the supposed “people’s party” has a pattern of turning its back on everyday folks in favor of policies and decisions that prop up Wall Street and the plutocrats in charge of America. Selfa displays the foibles of the party in its full glory. He gives the reader a history lesson in the genesis of the Democratic Party and its current formation that’s beholden to an agenda that takes more right turns than left.5. Don’t Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate: The Essential Guide for Progressives
George Lakoff
Lakoff’s book is required reading for Democrats who wish to understand the mind of the conservative. Lakoff discusses how conservatives think and the rhetorical strategies they use to debate liberals and frame issues. He also provides liberals with their rhetorical strategies. He details how Democrats can better communicate the traditional values they believe in yet cannot articulately express. The book will be of interest to any liberal who wants to adeptly debate conservatives and win. With Republicans winning the political discourse war, this book is just as important now as it was when it was first published.6. The Feminine Mystique
Betty Friedan
Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique is a classic work. It initiated Second Wave Feminism and helped empower women to stand up against the hegemony and inequality of a patriarchal society. While the book has some outdated concepts, it still offers words that will resonate with Democrats. The author deconstructs social relations and power dynamics at the interpersonal and societal levels. It clearly shows how sexism and misogyny are baked into society at every level. With over one million copies sold, it continues to be a liberating force to women and men everywhere.7. Freedom’s Power: The True Force of Liberalism
Paul Starr
This is a dense and substantive work by renowned Princeton Professor of Sociology Paul Starr. The focus is on how the liberal project has been derailed by conservatives. It shows how they turned the word “liberal” into a pejorative rather than the word borrowed by Thomas Jefferson from John Locke when writing the Declaration of Independence. Starr breaks down how true liberalism is an ideology supported by the Founding Fathers. It’s based on concepts of equality and egalitarianism. The text gives examples of how an activist government can check its power while responding to economic crises and injustices that threaten a country’s most vulnerable populations.8. Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger
Rebecca Traister
Best-selling author Rebecca Traister shows how the transformational power of women’s anger turned into a worldwide movement where female rights were thrust into the public discourse. Traister takes the reader on a trip through time, showing the history and significance of female fury. She shows, too, the backlash that it receives from both men and women. Both timely and crucial, this is a must-read for anyone interested in gender equality.9. How to Be an Antiracist
Ibram X. Kendi
Kendi’s award-winning and best-selling novel, How to Be an Antiracist, took the publishing world by storm. It shows the reader a vision of what a post-racist society might look like. It also gives the reader a new framework in which to think about racism. Through anecdotes about his racial awakening, he breaks down with clarity how individuals can make a change.10. This Land is Our Land: An Immigrant’s Manifesto
Suketu Mehta
Few issues instigate such strong feelings and opinions as immigration. In Suketu Mehta’s riveting work, he tackles the issues on immigration. He debunks several racist and xenophobic myths that say the collapse of Western society is due to the flood of immigrants coming to the United States. Mehta shows the reader that Western society is collapsing not because of immigration, but the populist narratives that create fear of immigration and immigrants. Mehta adeptly deconstructs the false anti-immigrant narratives through counter-narratives. He shows immigrants to be modern-day heroes that prop up society, not destroy it. He also delves into how historical and modern-day colonialism and imperialism are destructive forces. These forces have plundered communities all over the world to the point where inequality is at an all-time high. Written in an impassioned manner, this wonderful polemic is a must-read.11. A Lawyer’s Journey: The Morris Dees Story
Morris Dees
This engaging work chronicles the ups and downs of one of the most important but unheralded civil rights figures in history. A Lawyer’s Journey: The Morris Dees Story unpacks the life and work of a man who spent his life dedicated to helping and championing society’s forgotten and discarded people. He founded the Southern Poverty Law Center and constantly battled with hate groups. Dees’ story will inspire readers with resounding stories of success. The stories should motivate readers to take action by realizing how much more work needs to be done.12. The Liberal Tradition in America
Louis Hartz
Published in 1955, Hartz’s classic details the development of the liberal tradition in America. He argues that because America never dealt with true class and economic revolt, the Founding Fathers were entrenched in Republican and Federalist thinking. The text shows that even Democrats are fiercely independent and are thus ruled by an overarching “liberal” mindset. Hartz explains that because Americans never had to overcome a restraining social order, the proletariat revolution in America as predicted by Marx, will not, and has not, occurred.13. Listen, Liberal — or — What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?
Thomas Frank
Frank offers a scathing polemic on the state of the modern-day Democratic party. Many liberals believe that if conservatives can be defeated in elections, with Democrats taking control, then the ills of society such as income inequality, unabated monopoly capitalism, and white supremacy will be things of the past. Backed by years of research, Frank gives ample evidence that Democrats have abandoned working-class people. They are, he argues, plutocratic corporate elitists who offer up Wall Street bailouts while slashing social programs at a rate similar to their conservative peers. Writing with his famously sarcastic wit, Frank exposes the Democratic party, warts and all.14. The Little Blue Book: The Essential Guide to Thinking and Talking Democratic
George Lakoff
Lakoff offers a venerable liberal playbook on engaging in persuasive and convincing communication strategies more likely to be received by conservatives. It’s a foundational book that’s an easy read and specializes in practical and applied practice. His main strategy is framing wedge issues such as health care, the economy, the environment, and social justice. He uses a moral discourse that appeals to the conservative mind, which likes to moralize nearly every issue. He posits that most voters, especially conservatives, vote according to their values. In short, if liberals want to take back the rhetorical political war and make their causes the moral imperative, then the correct language must be used.15. Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think
George Lakoff
In another Lakoff classic, the cognitive scientist and professor delves into the unconscious biases developed through language that shapes the highly moralized world views of both Democrats and Republicans. Lakoff looks at the real-world application of how those world views work themselves out in society. He finds that there are surprisingly similar moral world views between the two parties and even their most ardent sycophants. Lakoff insists that at its core, politics is about the conception of the American family. Policies that conservatives and liberals espouse can all be traced back to their beliefs on how to best manage it.16. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Michelle Alexander
The New Jim Crow systematically unveils the genesis and inner-working of a complex criminal justice system. It has resulted in the re-emergence of a new race-based caste system designed to plunder communities of color. It keeps them relegated to second-class standing. America is ostensibly built on freedom and civil rights. But Alexander shows how the modern criminal justice system relies on legal discrimination to unjustly lock up black men at alarming rates. When they leave prison, it keeps them imprisoned in society through their labels as convicted criminals. Alexander looks at how the War on Drugs played a pivotal role as the societal lever that mechanized and activated the gears that got us to where we are now.17. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America
Barbara Ehrenreich
Barbara Ehrenreich wanted to learn more about the working class in America. So she took low-wage jobs across the country as she worked as a:- waitress
- house cleaner
- Wal-Mart team member
- nursing home aide
18. Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Irin Carmon
Liberal icon and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) is highlighted in this must-read. It was published a few years before her death. Her life is examined, from her formation into a steely young attorney to the unquestioned pioneer who championed dissent and justice for women. Carmon goes behind the curtain for a revealing look that separates fact from fiction. The book gets the reader up close and personal with the feminist icon who would go on to inspire millions of women to fight for gender equality.19. Peddling Prosperity
Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman’s books are so popular and influential that the Wall Street Journal editorial team consistently takes shots at his work. Conservative bloggers across the Internet exist solely to try and find fault in his writing. Krugman’s main thesis is deconstructing supply-side economics. He shows how it is not only ineffective, but exacerbates income inequality. He adeptly highlights the faults in the supply-side model while showing clear evidence that Keynesian policy is far more effective.20. A People’s History of the United States
Howard Zinn
Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States has become a modern-day classic and is a must-own for every young Democrat. In a time where historical facts are either omitted or altered to buttress American origin story myths and to justify harmful actions, Zinn’s book offers a view of history from those who have been largely forgotten. The book is packed with stories from immigrants, minorities, and other marginalized groups. The reader gets to see how history unfolded for the majority of people. Zinn’s work is so popular that it has appeared in some of pop culture’s media, including:- The Sopranos
- The Simpsons
- Good Will Hunting
- The History Channel.
21. Politics of Rich and Poor: Wealth and the American Electorate in the Reagan Aftermath
Kevin Phillips
Written by a former aide to President Richard Nixon, Phillip’s book focuses on the major issue of income inequality and how it worsened during the Reagan presidency. It continued to increase due to policy decisions driven by the Republican majority. Phillips lucidly displays how the vast majority of Americans are concerned with the concentration of wealth among the top 1%. As a former conservative, Phillips became disenfranchised with conservatism and wrote several polemical works regarding Republican economic policy. While many of his works were published in the 1960s–1990s, they are as relevant as they have ever been. A must-read for any young Democrat.22. Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday Life
Robert B. Reich
Published just before the 2007-2008 recession, Reich provides an analysis of how capitalism’s logical outcome is what he refers to as Supercapitalism, which results in:- widening income inequality
- monopolistic industries
- heightened job insecurity
23. This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate
Naomi Klein
This Changes Everything shows the inextricable link between climate change and capitalism. As best-selling author Naomi Klein shows the reader, capitalism is the main driver of climate change because it requires a parasitic relationship with nature. The world’s resources must be extracted and used up to create commodities. Klein shows how society can move to a different economic system that makes the world a safer place and how there are signs of a turnaround.24. Unreasonable Men: Theodore Roosevelt and the Republican Rebels Who Created Progressive Politics
Michael Wolraich
To understand where we are now, you have to go back to where we were. That is the premise of Michael Wolraich’s inspiring novel about the roots of progressivism. He takes us back to the turn of the 20th century and highlights how an internal battle within the Republican Party resulted in a new political movement known as “progressivism.” President Teddy Roosevelt is the main protagonist in this wonderful book that shows how these unreasonable men changed politics.25. The Way We Never Were
Stephanie Coontz
In The Way We Never Were, Coontz breaks down how the mythologizing of the American family of yesteryear is harming today’s families. She shares how the nostalgic appeal has resulted in many myths and half-truths. She claims that the hardships of today’s working and middle-class families are not a result of a lack of personal failure. The hardships are a result of much larger forces such as economic, political, and cultural factors beyond their control. This eye-opening book sheds new light on family within the context of:- parenting
- gender roles
- feminism
- the black family.
26. What It Means to Be a Democrat
George S. McGovern
McGovern’s must-read book, What it Means to Be a Democrat, reminds the reader of the basic ideologies that make up the essence of what Democrats believe in. He reminds us of the party’s core principles and describes how today’s Democratic leaders have strayed off course as they continue to push right and move to the center. The former presidential candidate touches on topics ranging from education reform to military spending. He shows readers how the party can be restored and create policy that it can be proud of.27. The Truths We Hold: An American Journey
Kamala Harris
Vice President Kamala Harris takes the reader on a journey where she reminds us of the characteristics and qualities that unite all people. She analyzes how those shared beliefs can be utilized to create meaningful change for everyday Americans. She shares her journey from her beginnings in Oakland, California to the heights of power and influence in Washington.28. This Fight is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America’s Middle Class
Elizabeth Warren
As one of the heroes of today’s progressive movement, Elizabeth Warren shares her personal experiences, ranging from her move towards liberal politics to her election in 2012 by the people of Massachusetts. In her high-energy and passionate manner, she gives the reader a behind-the-scenes look at her brutal battles in the Senate and her fight to push forward a progressive agenda. She argues with intensity the critical importance of how the middle-class must be saved from the current conservative efforts to destroy it.29. Understanding Power
Noam Chomsky
Chomsky is one of the world’s foremost intellectuals and social critics. This compendium is a collection of Chomsky’s most impactful and engaging lectures on the intersection of politics and power. Chomsky covers significant ground in topics ranging from Vietnam to the decline of welfare under President Bill Clinton. Chomsky shows the connection between American imperialism, foreign policy, and the gradual chipping away of social programs within the context of events that have shaped the last 30 years. The book captures Chomsky’s digestible communication style and his ability to articulate difficult concepts. This is the ideal book for new and current fans of Chomsky’s ideas.30. White Fragility
Robin DiAngelo
University of Washington Professor of Sociology Robin DiAngelo is an expert on race. In her groundbreaking book, she conveys why many white people are scared and even angered to discuss race and racism. Characterized by myriad problematic emotions ranging from guilt to defensiveness, DiAngelo discusses how the result is a maintenance of the current system that props up white people and marginalizes people of color.Related Resources:
- The 30 Best, Most Beautiful Small Colleges in America
- 30 Best Bachelor’s in Psychology Degrees Online: Small Colleges
- 50 Most Innovative Small Colleges
- 30 Books Every Young Feminist Should Own
- 30 Books Every Young Republican Should Own
- 5 of the Best Psychology Books Ever Written